Triumph Over Tragedy: Katie's Journey

Are you ready to be moved by a story of extraordinary resilience? In this episode we sit down with the awe-inspiring Katie Mathews. Imagine being 16 and facing a future confined to a wheelchair with a brain injury. That was Katie's reality after a devastating car crash, but her story didn't end there.

Join us as Katie takes us through the harrowing night that changed her life, the grueling recovery, and the incredible journey of faith and gratitude that led her to triumph over tragedy. How did a single prayer alter her mindset? What can we learn from Katie's transition from "I can't" to "What can I do?" And how is she now using her experience to empower others as a life coach and author?

You don't want to miss this episode filled with hope, courage, and a testament to the human spirit. Plus, learn where to grab Katie's new book "UnParalyzed" and how to connect with her transformative work at Providence Heights and Limitless Journey. Tune in to Counterculture Health and let Katie's limitless journey inspire your own.

Links & Resources:
- Providence Heights:
- Limitless Journey:
- "UnParalyzed" on Amazon and Kindle.

Connect with us for more insights: Follow Jen at and check out to learn about her 12 week Awaken Transformation virtual coaching program and to request a free Clarity Call. Kaitlin is your go-to for demystifying strength training at @KaitlinReedWellness and

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Triumph Over Tragedy: Katie's Journey
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