Protein Myths Unpacked: Fuel Your Health

Are you getting enough protein in your diet, or have you fallen for the common misconceptions about meat and plant-based diets? Welcome to Episode 3 of "Counterculture Health," where your favorite health rebels, Jennifer McWaters and Kaitlin Reed, dive deep into the world of protein and its critical role in not just muscle development, but in maintaining hormonal balance, metabolic health, and even your mood!

In this episode, we unravel the protein puzzle for women, especially during key hormonal shifts like menopause, and explore why so many of us are running on empty with low energy and mood swings.

We'll also tackle the controversial topic of meal tracking—can it really be a force for good in your health journey? Plus, we discuss ethical meat consumption, bust myths about the health impacts of red meat, and give you the lowdown on choosing the right protein powder without the heavy metal soundtrack.

Don't miss our practical tips on protein-rich snacks, meal planning for optimal intake, and how to navigate dietary choices if you're lactose intolerant. And for all you ethical eaters, we've got a meaty discussion on the real costs of plant-based diets versus ethically raised meat.

Ready to shake up your protein game and fuel your body right? Tune in, take notes, and get in touch with us for that follow-up episode on strength training you won't want to miss!

Join us for a protein-packed episode that's sure to beef up your nutrition knowledge!

Connect with us for more insights: Follow Jen at and check out to learn about her 12 week Awaken Transformation virtual coaching program and to request a free Clarity Call. Kaitlin is your go-to for demystifying strength training at @KaitlinReedWellness and

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Protein Myths Unpacked: Fuel Your Health
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