Anxiety Unmasked: Body's SOS Signals

Are you constantly on edge, feeling like your own mind is working against you? Ever wonder why that cup of joe leaves you jittery, or if your gut issues are somehow linked to your mood? In episode 5 of Counterculture Health, your go-to wellness warriors Jennifer McWaters and Kaitlin Reed dive deep into the murky waters of anxiety. We're not just talking about the mental gymnastics here; we're uncovering how your body might be sounding the alarm bells through sleep disturbances, diet, toxins, and yes—even that innocent-looking smartphone!

Join us as we break down the hidden culprits of anxiety, from the foods that fuel inflammation to the hormonal havoc wreaking chaos in your life. We're here to arm you with the knowledge to become detectives in your own health mystery. And don't worry, we won't leave you hanging; a follow-up episode packed with solutions is on the horizon!

Ready to reclaim your calm and kick anxiety to the curb? Tune in, take notes, and remember—knowledge is your superpower. Let’s awaken your path to holistic health together!

Connect with us for more insights: Follow Jen at and check out to learn about her 12 week Awaken Transformation virtual coaching program and to request a free Clarity Call. Kaitlin is your go-to for demystifying strength training at @KaitlinReedWellness and

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Anxiety Unmasked: Body's SOS Signals
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